Bremen (Germany), 12 May 2020 – In times of the Covid-19 pandemic, SAACKE GmbH has taken another step towards the digitalization of its services. In addition to existing options such as live data analysis and maintenance via remote control, customers from the marine industry have been able to use an additional free of charge offer for several weeks now: Via online video chat, experienced SAACKE engineers at the Bremen location are available for direct exchange of their know-how regarding combustion and boiler plants as well as thermal systems, in order to provide fast and competent solutions to urgent problems even in times of limited personal contact. The meetings are held browser- or app-based with the Zoom tool at fixed time windows. The positive response so far has prompted the company to extend the offer to customers in land-based industries since the beginning of May. The special consulting service for customers is planned to run at least until the end of May.
Remote tips for maintaining plant operation
“Travel restrictions, social distancing and many other guidelines currently determine our private and professional everyday life. As an international company with more than 20,000 plants worldwide in operation at our customers' sites, these measures naturally affect the usual practice of our technicians even more. Our original idea was to bridge the current supply gap with the new Personal Online Customer Service, so that the vital shipping industries can deliver the goods and cargoes we all urgently need”, explains Dennis Lühr, Senior Marine Engineer in the SAACKE Customer Service Solutions division, who is part of the team of experts involved in the video chat. He continues: “Sometimes even small tips or readjustments from a distance are sufficient to ensure the ship's operation, like the establishment of the spare parts requirement that is documented and forwarded internally, or the open ear for the technical crew on board who are currently partly on their own”. Lühr's interim conclusion is positive: “It has been so well received that we now have the same format for boiler attendants, shift supervisors, electricians, locksmiths or technical managers from refineries, waste incineration plants, steel and metal production, the food industry, energy and heat supply and many other industries.”
The dates for marine customers:
Tuesdays: 9 am to 10 am - UTC+2
Wednesdays: 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm - UTC+2
Thursdays: 9 am to 10 am - UTC+2
Further information for interested marine companies to log-in and much more is available here.
The Dates for land-based customers
Tuesdays: 11 am to 12 noon - UTC+2
Wednesdays: 11 am to 12 noon - UTC+2
Thursdays: 3 pm to 4 pm - UTC+2
Further information for interested land-based companies to log-in and much more is available here.
SAACKE GmbH specializes in thermal processes and plants in the industrial and maritime energy management sectors and is one of the world market leaders in this field. The medium-sized family business was founded in 1931 and employs a total of about 1,200 people, including more than 450 engineers and technicians. It has production sites in Bremen, Croatia, China and Argentina as well as a worldwide service and sales network. Head office, main production as well as research and development are located in Bremen.
For further technical questions and for more company information, please contact:
Contact partner:: Margit A. Hendricks
Südweststraße 13 • 28237 Bremen
Telefon +49 (0)421 - 64 95 5340
Email: m.hendricks[at] •
For media enquiries, please contact:
DIALOG Public Relations
Contact partner: Bastian Korte
Am Markt 1 • 28195 Bremen
Telefon +49 (0)421 - 32 88 11-21
Email: Bastian.korte[at] •