SAACKE Qingdao site delivers its 2,000th steam boiler
Expansion of market position in Asia through proximity to maritime economy
The SAACKE Qingdao Marine Boiler Co. Ltd shipped out its 2,000th marine boiler in January 2016. The factory in the northern Chinese port city has been in existence since 2004 and primarily serves the Asian market. A total of 150 employees build boilers of all models from the SAACKE Marine Systems program and also fully equip some of the associated control cabinets.
"China is an important key market. Particularly in the marine sector, there is a large potential which we are able to serve direct from our local factory. This is an important locational advantage", says General Manager of SAACKE Qingdao Marine Boiler Co., Zhang Qing. Particularly when it comes to large ship boilers, proximity to the important Chinese and Northeast Asian dockyards means cheaper, more efficient and faster transport. Over the coming years, Zhang Qing is expecting a further expansion of the market position against a background of a steady demand for ship boilers. "We want to grow further in China", says the General Manager. This will ensure that the capacity utilization of the SAACKE factory is secured.