Dear customers, suppliers, business partners,
The coronavirus has the world firmly in its grip and is putting tried and tested structures to the test, whether commercial or private. We are all facing a multitude of constraints, pressures, difficulties and changes to contain the pandemic and protect those who need protection. Keeping distance, restricting personal contacts, travel warnings, transport restrictions and much more. A difficult time - without question!
Nevertheless, all these difficulties hold a great potential of possibilities to steer through the crisis together with imaginative measures and solutions.
Disruptions in the supply chain, work restrictions, delays in delivery, etc.? Many companies know these hard to calculate factors only too well these days. This makes it all the more important to communicate openly, to stay on the ball together and to create individual solutions. So far, we have succeeded in doing this well with our suppliers and customers during Corona times and this makes us look confidently into the future - also for future projects.
Of course, our highest goal is and remains - even in times of a pandemic - to be able to deliver your usual high quality and to fulfil our promises. To this end, our management team and our employees are at your service every day and are doing everything they can to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible and to create intelligent solutions to current and new problems. Of course, always taking into account the health and safety of all parties involved and the rules laid down by official bodies.
Through our worldwide network of service technicians, we are able to ensure our service and emergency service operations in many countries - even in times of entry restrictions - because our service technicians are already in the country. Whether and to what extent national restrictions apply in the respective country must be checked if necessary. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your appropriate SAACKE contact who will be happy to assist you.
Please understand that we have reduced our international and national travel activities to an absolute minimum in order to counteract the risk of global spread.
Even if the world is changing rapidly at the moment and because direct contact with you is very important to us - we will still be available for you. However, we rely on your support to keep personal contact in our branches and offices to a minimum. We will be happy to help you by phone or e-mail and to provide you with advice and support as usual via these channels.
In order to provide additional support for a continued good and personal relationship, we have further developed our technical capabilities so that we can connect with you closely via video conference.
Let us go through this extraordinary time together - with good communication, common sense and enough distance to still express closeness.
Take good care of yourself and your social environment and stay healthy!
With best regards
Henning Saacke
Chairman of the Advisory Board